Eczema Skin Gallery

Eczema affects people of all skin colors, races, and ethnicities, with appearance varying based on skin tone and location on the body. This tool should not be used for self-diagnosis, but it can help you understand how moderate-to-severe eczema may look on different skin tones and areas of the body. Consult your doctor if you think you may have eczema.

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How could eczema look different on my skin?

Moderate-to-Severe eczema on light, white, pale, fair skin on leg

In lighter skin tones, eczema tends to appear pink or red in color.

Moderate-to-Severe eczema on dark, brown, black skin on hands

In darker skin tones, eczema tends to appear darker brown, purple, or ashen gray in color.

Moderate-to-Severe eczema on dark, brown, black skin on arms

Some people with eczema may develop bumps around hair follicles that resemble goosebumps (folliculitis). These bumps can appear with or without scaly patches on the skin.

Moderate-to-Severe eczema on dark, brown, black skin on ankle

People with darker skin often experience thickening of the skin (lichenification) after flare-ups. Areas of thickened skin, or plaque, may feel rough or leathery.

Every patient is unique, so your signs and symptoms may differ from the photos above. If you suspect you may have eczema, speak to a skin specialist, who can provide a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan that works for you.

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modification of these images without the express written permission of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited.


Skin specialists are trained to diagnose and treat patients of all skin tones and can help create a personalized care plan for you or your child.